Aaron Beebe is a New York based artist and museum director whose work explores themes of memory, display, and institutionality. Moving between installation-based practice and works on canvas and paper, he is an advocate for the creation of material and aesthetic objects of scholarship – that is, scholarly work that manifests itself in the form of material goods rather than printed words.
"I'm excited to spend time working in Bombay. Much of my work is about institutional power and the relationship between 'subjective' participants and 'objective' institutions and I'm amazed and intrigued by the strategic forces that underly this city's organic growth. While I'm here I'll be making maps, writing about my experiences with the hidden villages of Bandra, and exploring my own relationship as a visitor to the city's colonial and revolutionary past. Are these Pirate Maps, tools for domination, or the frustration dreams of corrupt city planners? Or could they be all of these things and more?"